Tuesday 26 June 2012

Tough few days

Since my appeal Thursday, my hips haven given me hell.
Friday and saturday was such a struggle to move about, hard work and painful.
So frustrating being limited to things you can and cant do..
Sunday was a better day, could feel it easing up and yesterday was alot better, no crutches needed..
Today i have woken with my knee throbbing on and off and my hips feeling very kind of sensitive, too much and i'm done in kind of thing..I feel rough weak and very tired...
I would like to be able to go shop and get bits and bobs, but i have no chance of that, my body is just not going to let me..
I had one of the nice ladies from the personal independent team come out today, she fitted in my bath board and we went through a trial run of how to safely get in and out, she is also coming out next week with a few aids to go through with me to help with dressing and undressing,, She is hoping that next week i can be put on the rota so someone can come out in morning to help with morning routine, enabling me to build up my confidence so that i can get in shower and that on my own in the future without fear of falling..I shall then have exercises in the afternoon for 15mins, the following week they will help me with morning and evening(cooking) routine again building up confidence, teaching me some new tips so at the end of the 6 weeks i am feeling and able to be more independent..
I think it is going to feel very strange at first having strangers come into my home to help me with showering etc, but i know in the long run it will be beneficial to me and it is going to help me soooooo much..
I will report on how i get on with it next week.
My eyes are going so looks like i need to go and have lie down and maybe wake up feeling a bit better and more with it and awake...we shall see lol....

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