Sunday, 4 December 2011

It's amazing how everyday is different..

Yesterday i was struggling to walk, today i am able to walk with slight discomfort.. It just amazes me how arther can affect us one day and be different the next. Today arther has been niggling at my wrists/hands, elbows and ankles.. all at the same time some occasions, i didn't know when to go ouch first lol..
Something as simple as eating my dinner was a problem earlier, i was picking up my food with a metal handled fork which bizarrely was hurting my hand with the slightest touch, i tried changing hand and it was the same, so i thought i would try a different fork so i tried a plastic handled fork and for some reason that was fine, i think it was because the handle was thicker and wasn't so painful when holding it either..I know there is cutlery out there for people with arthritis but i am not ready to go down that route yet, will put it off for as long as possible..It's funny how something that can make life easier for us can also scare us half to death..When i look at arthritis i think of old and the trouble is alot of the adaptions out there are old looking and are not encouraging for us youngish ones lol..Same as sticks, i know that they do coloured crutches and jazzy sticks but the ones i use are specially adapted to make it easier on my hands...Have decided anyway that i am going to get some Christmas ribbon(not material, the shiny one) and wrap that round for the festive season, add some glitz and glam to my life lol..
This post has took ages to write, having to stop to rest hands lol, am off now.. lets see what tomorrow


  1. hi things you mention may seem a bit weird to any one else but i so can see what your saying. i was advised by lots of people to wear a copper bracelet. ooooooo the pain it actually incereased pain in my hand wrist and arm. when i wore it once in bed i relised the problem the cold of the metal made the pain so much worse! also griping is painful in any hand the thinner the item the more the pain and sharper, apears the same for me as you.
    the coloured stick issue i have a wonderful pair of kids cruches as im ony 5 ft they are the most comfortable to use. i only use one at a time but i only use them in the house as people seem to stare! more than when i use a stick. so today youv made me brave ill use my jazzy stick !! and be proud
    i wish you well, my arthritis became prominent at 29 im now 52 and its still my unwelcome companian every day

  2. Sue i am so glad you stepped out with your jazzy stick,Hope you held your head up high luvie.. where did you get the child crutches?? i am 5"2 so maybe they'd be ideal for me..could have one of each design to go with matching outfits lol..

  3. hi this site has lots of cruches
    they even have shiny pink!!
    mine are tiki blue and orange i was suprised they still have them iv had mine years.
    iv also added some neporene to the hadle to add cusioning for my painful hands !!
    happy shopping ;0)

  4. thanks sue will take a look now.. yes i have cushioning too for my hands..xx
